Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish- Is Not Chiropractic

October 29, 2009

Most people will experience back pain at some time in their lives from injuries due to overexertion and poor posture and are among the most common. Poor posture is a system wide dysfunction not isolated to just the pelvis spine and ribs. Depending on the cause and severity of the condition, options for treatment may include Certified Rolfing, physical therapy, rest, medications, surgery, or chiropractic care.

Chiropractic treatment carries none of the risks of surgical or pharmacologic treatment. Practitioners use a holistic approach to health. The goal is not merely to relieve the present ailment, but to analyze the cause and recommend appropriate changes of lifestyle to prevent the problem from occurring again. They believe in a risk/benefit analysis before use of any intervention. The odds of an adverse outcome are extremely low. Chiropractic and Rolfing has proven in several studies to be less expensive than many more traditional routes such as outpatient physical therapy.

Relief from some neuromuscular problems is immediate, although a series of treatments is likely to be required to maintain the improvement. Spinal manipulation is an excellent option for acute lower back pain, and may also relieve neck pain as well as other musculoskeletal pain. What differentiates Rolfing and Chiropractic manipulation is that Rolfing directionally addresses the connective tissue that envelopes each vertebral segment and Chiropractic addresses only the osseous segment itself which is why after a Chiropractic adjustment the bone may drift back to its prior position. It is suggested that most back pain will subside eventually with no treatment at all but the reality is that if the asymmetrical drag on the body stocking that envelopes the whole human structure is not systematically reduced from the tips of the fingers and toes, up the arms and legs, to the shoulder and pelvic girdles, and then from the ribs to the spine, the spinal segments will be trapped in the pattern in the middle with no true resolution only a momentary lapse of discomfort.

Certified Rolfing coupled with chiropractic treatment can significantly shorten the time it takes to get relief for back pain. Chiropractic and Spinal Manipulation Practitioners perform spinal manipulation by using their hands or a device to apply a controlled force to a joint of the spine, moving it beyond its passive range of motion. The amount of force applied depends on the form of manipulation used and the goal of the treatment is to relieve pain and improve physical functioning. Certified Rolfer’s use the direction of the opposing side girdles and of the tissue enveloping the segments to assess the necessary redirection of the tissue around the segments thus non-invasively adjusting the segment and enveloping tissue, doing this with the depth and touch dramatically less than chiropractors and slightly more than Osteopaths.

In a traditional Rolfing Ten Series the whole human structure including ribs and vertebral segments are non-invasively re-directed for the reduction and reversal of pain and discomfort in most instances. There is no doubt that Chiropractic done correctly with Certified Rolfing is capable of improving the quality of life for both clients and patients.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Whitefish/Kalispell, MT

Certified Rolfing Ft Worth/Dallas-Rolfing Functional Movement

October 23, 2009

This Certified Rolfing video on Rolfing Functional Movement explains the potential path of Rolfing sessions in Ft Worth/Dallas. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.

 John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Certified Rolfing Ft Worth/Dallas-Rolfing Spinal Six

October 23, 2009

This Certified Rolfing video on Rolfing Spinal Six explains the potential path of Rolfing and Rolf Movement sessions in Ft Worth/Dallas. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.


 John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Certified Rolfing Ft Worth/Dallas-Rolfing Functional Breath

October 23, 2009


This Certified Rolfing video on Rolfing functional breath explains the potential path of Rolfing sessions in Ft Worth/Dallas. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.



John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Certified Rolfing Ft Worth/Dallas-Introduction Video

October 23, 2009

This Certified Rolfing video on John Barton explains the potential path of my Rolfing sessions in Ft Worth/Dallas. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Certified Rolfing Ft Worth/Dallas-Dynamic Integration

October 22, 2009

This Certified Rolfing video on dynamic movement demonstrates the potential path of Rolfing and movement sessions in Ft Worth/Dallas. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Certified Rolfing Results Ft Worth/Dallas

October 22, 2009

This Certified Rolfing video on my Rolfing Results demonstrates the potential path of Rolfing sessions in Ft Worth/Dallas. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Certified Rolfing Dallas Fort Worth-Structural Pain and Discomfort.

October 9, 2009


The Rolfing Session Ten video explains the potential path of a Rolfing session in Dallas/Ft Worth. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in  the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.    


Rolfing Dallas Fort Worth-IT Band and Hip Pain.

October 9, 2009

The Rolfing Session Three video explains the potential path of a Rolfing session in Dallas/Ft Worth. Certified Rolfing in Dallas and Fort Worth is exceptional Structural Integration and has provided premium Rolfing services by raising the bar of potential results and expectations in  the Dallas Fort Worth metro area.    

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Certified Rolfing Fort Worth/Dallas-Dysfunctional Arm

September 25, 2009

When assessing discomfort or pain in the elbow it is important to identify the rotational orientation of both sides of the pelvis and shoulder girdles. Typically it could be discovered that in serious cases of pain in the elbow the opposing side girdles do not have the same rotational orientation. This may be part of a dysfunctional asymmetry that is permeated throughout the clients’ body or isolated to this side of the body because of an inclination for the structure to change from a “functional” asymmetry to a “dysfunctional” asymmetry.

 When a structure is inclined to flip its’ structural disposition or preference it is usually the result of an acute injury or chronic over usage with irregular movement patterns that have moved the structure along the structural spectrum from the functional side towards the dysfunctional side. The radius and ulna may attempt to rotate in the same direction as the humerus which will most likely manifest as pain and discomfort in the proximal/distal head of the humerus or the proximal/distal heads of the radius and ulna.    


John Barton, Certified Rolfer & Rolfing Fort Worth/Dallas/Austin, TX