Archive for the ‘Chiropractic Ft Worth’ Category

Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell-Continuity and Integration

February 19, 2010

When working with the different types of structural dispositions available in our society and the world at large it is important to maintain continuity throughout the session work. The basic 10 series is not so basic in its application only in its attempt to prepare the body for the necessary advanced components of the session work. When working with functional asymmetric clients or dysfunctional asymmetric clients it is important to understand that extending the working to all segments of the body is ideal and a necessary function of what Rolfing is and Myofascial Release and/or other attempts to replicate Certified Rolfing are not accomplishing which is Structural
Integration. The head, neck, shoulder girdle, arms, hands, spine, pelvic girdle, legs, feet and numerous other landmarks and structures are all part of the session work, are dynamically interrelated and connected, so they must all be addressed in a systematic manner that demands and necessitates integration. It is the application of the combinations of tilt, shift, and rotational techniques that will optimize structural integration and they are all applied with each of the segments of the structure in mind. If not you end up with a client that is no better than or worse off than before the work started. The shoulders and arms have been briefly discussed before but I will say that patterns in functional and dysfunctional asymmetric clients are mirrored in the opposing side of the opposite girdle. The neck and spine has the potential and predictability to flip patterns in dysfunctional asymmetric patterns so that what was once a Type I segment has now begun to function as a type II and visa-versa. These segments are addressed by initiating techniques that reverse and or reduce the direction in an attempt to normalize functions in the spine and neck. Also the cranial segments have the capacity to shift and rotate depending on the segment so the integrative approach transitions from the tip of the toes to the top of the head. There are a number of issues that can be addressed by the systematic techniques of Rolfing. Practitioners that are not Certified Rolfers are likely to charge less for their services while accomplishing nothing or do more damage than anything, hence the old adage that “you get what you pay for”.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer-Certified Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,




Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish-Predicting the Unpredictable

February 19, 2010

Working with the different, and most times difficult, types of structural scenarios creates the fertile soil that gives birth to the structural scientist. The functional asymmetric clients are almost always pretty cut and dry in terms of what goals need to be addressed and accomplished in order to normalize the tissue for the adaptability and congruency to return to the structure. For the dysfunctional asymmetric client it can most times be elusive even though there are specific structural signs to look for and seeing them can be the tricky part, and even when you identify the probable pattern or patterns, attempting to make the change and making it stick are different stories. The entire structure has to be addressed and it has to happen systematically meaning that when a client complains about a specific issue upon initiating the intake evaluation other associated structural issues will most likely be discovered as well and it is the resolution or reduction of all associated issues that will yield the most productive work. Pain in the foot is often realized to be associated with other discomfort such as a knee, or hip, low, back, mid back, shoulder, neck or head or any number of combinations. Regardless of what is primary or secondary in the beginning of the sessions the entire structure needs to be addressed. This is what separates Certified Rolfing from all other forms of Pain Management or bodywork in that Certified Rolfing provides a framework and a context for the initial 10 sessions known as the 10 series and this framework is not a cookie cutter format instead it is a lens that provides the trained Certified Rolfer the opportunity to identify each individual clients needs and desires and then enables the Certified Rolfer to customize the first 10 sessions to address the specific needs of each client. All clients are different and to assume that the same session by session therapeutic approach can be utilized for everyone would seem ridiculous. Though some predictable patterns are shared by most of the population, the degree to which each client endures a particular potential for a pattern is different. Much like the set of colors that are the primary colors of our universe there are a predictable set of secondary colors that provide a framework and a context for an artist to use when working. Upon closer inspection of foreseeable color combinations there manifest a spectrum of potential colors that is a myriad composition of the secondary colors. So like the spectrum of colors available to the eye there are a spectrum of structural potentials that can be observed and addressed in a systematic and customized manner given the predictable patterns and scenarios that exist.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer-Certified Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell, Montana,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell-Understanding the Unpredictable

February 19, 2010

The unpredictable dysfunctional asymmetries can seem daunting and believe me they are at times but once we understand what is functionally symmetric, functionally asymmetric, and now the dysfunctional asymmetric it becomes a fruitful challenge to explore the necessary combinations of tilt, shift and rotations to attempt to normalize the tissue so that the client can move freely with less or ideally no pain. With the functionally asymmetric it is easier to navigate what is necessary because changing shift and tilt can be initiated as the product of the same technique, but for now understanding that lengthening some, fluffing some, and de-rotating a little to see what has changed is what is important. With the dysfunctional asymmetric the lengthening happens on one side of the segment and then the fluffing happens on the opposite side of the segment. It is important to identify what the functional symmetric orientation is of the pelvis so that you know what to fluff more than lengthen and what to lengthen more than fluff. If the client appears to be more naturally posterior then keep the posterior side of the pelvis posterior and change the posterior shift to anterior shift on that side, but on the anterior side of the pelvis you will need to keep the anterior shift and focus more on changing the tilt to posterior shift so that the dysfunction is reduced to a functional asymmetric. Then the goal will change to systematically navigate reducing the asymmetry to a functional asymmetry. This is necessary to accomplish because it is an ordered array of dysfunctions that must be addressed categorically in terms of order to systematically reduce the associated tissues and structures to a level of adaptability that is conducive and consistent with structural integration. It is important to understand that reducing the pattern of a dysfunctional asymmetric client to the pattern of a functional asymmetric client is probably not going to happen in one session. The degree to which the dysfunction has diminished the integrity of the clients structure will dictate the amount of session work required to bring the structure to a more functional reality.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer-Certified Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell, MT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell-Understanding Patterns

February 19, 2010

The functional asymmetric client is less difficult to assess than a client who is dysfunctional asymmetric. When assessing a client most will appear to fit the pattern of what is known as functional asymmetric, but others ( about 3 out of 10 in my practice) appear to fit no discernible pattern and they are endearingly referred to as dysfunctional asymmetric. With the prior pattern the connective tissue that envelopes the individual segments of the structure will change in multiple dimensions and will change to tilt, shift and rotate in the X, Y, and Z planes. The tilt and shift has a positive correlation which means they are both moving front to back/ up or down, or back to front/down or up at the same time in the same relationship. The rotation happens in the X plane, left to right, so addressing the tissue in a rotational fashion will accomplish this redirection.

The tilt will happen in the Y plane, up and down, so lengthening associated segments will accomplish this needed redirection. The shift happens in the Z, front to back, and this is addressed by fluffing the entire segment to redirect the tissue. From what I have described you may be visualizing an algebraic or calculus graph in which the 3 planes of potential are recognized and addressed, and this needs to happen systematically in every segment of the body. The dysfunctional asymmetric has an interesting factor that makes it so painful and mystifying because the tilt and shift have a negative correlation which means that as the shift moves from back to front the tilt is happening on the opposite side of the segment tilting from front to back. So instead of segments working with each other they are working against each other. The negative correlation of the tissues throughout the entire structure produce segments that are not adaptable and have a reduced range of motion. This is the reason why identifying what direction the pelvic girdle and shoulder girdle are moving towards is extremely difficult. Just as important with this type of client is to note and recognize if the pain and discomfort is throughout the structure and radiating to a degree which is borderline or even extremely unbearable.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer-Certified Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish,,,,

Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell and Unpredictable Patterns

February 19, 2010

Working with unpredictable patterns can sometimes prove to be very difficult and even disheartening as a Structural Integrator. The human body is not easily understood but it appears that we can probably depend on a number of predictable variables to help in making decisions about unpredictable patterns. It is important to point out and to understand that the functional symmetric orientation of the pelvis is with both sides either posterior or anterior and the shoulder girdle needs to oppose direction so that we do not fall backwards or forwards. The spine has curvature for a number of important reasons but one of them is to accommodate a posterior pelvic girdle with an anterior shoulder girdle, or an anterior pelvic girdle with a posterior shoulder girdle. In most of the clients I see ( 7 out of 10) The patterns are functional asymmetric which means that one side of the pelvis is posterior and the opposite side shoulder mirrors the pattern, shift and tilt, and because the pelvis can orientate its position because it counter-rotates transversely with the other hip, the other side of the pelvis will, lets say right side, counter rotate the left side of the pelvis with the left side of the shoulder mirroring the right side of the pelvis tilt and shift. This is why as practitioners we see on hip higher or lower and also one shoulder higher or lower. The higher hip is a product of the posterior rotation of the innominate bone, and likewise the lower hip is a product of the anterior innominate. It is often not so much that they are actually changing height they are simply rotating to produce the perceived change. The shoulder girdle is a little different in that the counter-rotation between T1 & T2 produce a rib that is more elevated on the posterior side and a subsequent lower rib on the anterior side. The elevated rib actually raises all structures that are superior to the rib most notably the trapezious muscle and clavicle. This series of rotation and counter-rotation permeates its way throughout the entire structure of the body from the tip of the toes to the top of the head.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer-Certified Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish-Is Not Myofascial Release Massage

October 29, 2009

Myofascial massage therapy is often called a three-dimensional application of sustained pressure and movement that deals with what is known as the “fascia” of the body. Rolfing is the integrative approach of fluffing, lengthening, and de-rotating the fascial stocking of the body. Fascia is the internal soft tissue that is the body’s envelope, cushioning, connecting, and communicating between muscle, skeleton and internal organs. Fascia provides more than filler and connections, it forms essential binding for muscles and skeleton so that the body functions and supports properly. Due to aging, improper diet, lifestyle issues, toxins and injuries, the fascial system atrophies, becomes inelastic, loses circulation, and begins to wind tighter and this may result in pain dis-ease, and asymmetry.

Myofascial Release began to appear more widely and gain notoriety after being further developed by Myofascial massage therapist’s  hoping to duplicate the methods and success of Dr. Rolf and The Rolf Institute membership of Certified Rolfer’s. Rolfing and Myofascial work can restore health and circulatory freedom to fascia so cellular decay is reduced or reversed and blood flow/lymphatic flow restrictions are released but Myofascial massage is not exercised as a system wide integrative approach like Rolfing. Emotions are actually cellular-level physical entities created by hormonal and neurotransmitter molecules that circulate in fascia and bind to receptor sites throughout the body, Rolfing and Myofascial Release benefits extend into the realm of emotional feeling along with physical sensation.

As the clients’ fascia is enlivened they often realize that metaphorical phrases such as “pain in the neck and back” are actually literal descriptions of how fascia and organs in various parts of the body tighten and otherwise negatively respond to stress, sadness and other psychological issues. 
Myofascial Release therapy is said to be preceded by visual and kinesthetic analysis of posture and movement with careful palpation of the tissue texture of various fascial layers. Upon locating an area of fascial tension, gentle pressure is applied to relieve blockage and circulatory restriction. Myofascial Release can sometimes provide nominal relief of cervical pain, back pain, spinal spurs, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, neurological dysfunction, restriction of motion, chronic pain, injury, insomnia, depression, disease, hard-to-diagnose dysfunction and headaches.

The biggest misconception about Myofascial Release is that it is the same type of therapy as Rolfing. Though fascia is released in both methods, only with Rolfing is the body’s structural disposition viewed as a multi-dimensional continuous distribution the way a line or wave is viewed in mathematics with the associated shift’s that take place in the x, y, and z axis of the human structure. A few select Rolfer’s with in the Rolfing population are able to empirically document the changes that take place with before and after pictures further deepening the differentiation between the methods of Certified Rolfing and Myofascial massage therapy. It is sometimes said within the conventional medicine community that the results gained by Rolfing-Structural Integration is impossible but the proof can be said to be in the pictures. Both of these methods are great options for dealing with fascial discomfort and pain and this article is designed to show the difference between the two from the perspective of an LMT and Certified Rolfer.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Kalispell/Whitefish, Montana.

Rolfing Whitefish/kalispell- Is Not Deep Tissue Massage

October 29, 2009

Dr. Rolf’s death ushered in a new era of bodywork modalities and tools for what would soon be called deep tissue massage therapists to use in a practice of freeing up their clients musculoskeletal discomfort. It was a time of adaptation and the dissemination of deeply held methods and perceptions that were discovered and developed by Dr. Rolf and the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration. Certified Rolfing is the science of assessing and addressing a clients’ structural disposition along a spectrum of possibilities that range from functionaly-dysfunctionaly asymmetric.

Asymmetry begins in the nervous system of the body and manifests in the fascia that envelopes each individual bone, muscle fiber, fasical, and bundle that supports the structure of the body. Deep Tissue Massage, as its name says, focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It is designed to reach the deep sections of thick muscles, specifically the individual muscle fibres. 

Using deep muscle compression and friction along the grain of the muscle, the purpose of Deep Tissue Massage is to un-stick the fibres of the muscles and release both toxins and deeply held tension points. While deep tissue massage was developed as a response to address the symmetrical needs of the human body by releasing specific areas the human body it is not possible to achieve the same results of Structural Integration. The science dictates that structural pain and discomfort or musculoskeletal issues are by products of a system wide compression that is held in the asymmetrical pattern of the body stocking of fascia.

It is the collective methods and tools of a Certified Rolfer that release, realign and balance the entire body. With deep tissue massage specific hand positions and strokes are used to respond to various tissues while breath and movement techniques are employed to release muscular congestion. It helps to loosen muscle tissues, release toxins from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating properly. It is beneficial for many physical problems, including sports injuries and chronic pain. Because it works very deeply, emotional issues can also be addressed when these have been stored in the body. Deep tissue treatments take place on a massage table with no clothing, and Rolfing sessions are performed on a table with partial clothing of underwear, swimsuit, or exercise apparel.

Deep Tissue Massage usually focuses on specific areas and may cause some soreness during or after the session. If the massage is done correctly however, you should feel better within a day or two. Water helps to eliminate toxins from the body so it is important to drink plenty of water after a Deep Tissue Massage to help this process along.

Since Rolfing changes the structural disposition of a clients structure and proprioception mechanisms, a client can feel light and balanced immediately after standing up if the sessions are performed correctly. As a LMT and a Certified Rolfer my intention is to describe the way the two methods are similar and yet dramatically different in each methods intention, though both methods are adequate ways to live more freely in a body experiencing pain and discomfort.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.

Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell- Is Not Thai Massage Therapy

October 29, 2009

Thai Massage therapy is a unique and powerful method, which combines rhythmic massage, acupressure, asanas (Yoga stretching exercises), gentle twisting, energy work and meditation. While Thai massage has so many benefits the practice of Certified Rolfing-Structural Integration can provide all of the benefits of Thai massage and also attain structural balance and harmony leaving the client feeling free of structural and movement inhibitions after the first session.

Rolfing is a process of identifying the imbalance and asymmetry of the body that manifest from the periostium of the bone and permeates through the entire body. This connective tissue issue is similar to what it would look and feel like when a body stocking is put on when wet and then worn. There is no way to massage the imbalance out, but the asymmetry must be systematically Rolfed and realigned to regain balance and symmetry. Thai Yoga Massage stimulates and balances the flow of energy within the body, opening the areas, which are blocked. Bringing the person deeper into balance and harmony for health, happiness and well-being. This system creates a powerful release of stress and tension, an increase in vitality, it deepens the connection between mind, body and spirit and will leave you feeling relaxed and with more energy. Rolfing also has the potential to stimulate and balance the flow of energy in the body and is one of the trademark sensations and dispositions after a Rolfing session. Traditionally a Rolfing session last up to 1.5 hours and a Thai Massage would last for maybe 2.5 hours, however shorter versions are more popular nowadays as the demand from westerners and our hectic holidays require.

A traditional massage therapist will begin with you lying on your back and it will start from the feet, working the up through the body. Quite a long time is spent on the legs, before moving up the body to the abdominals, arms and hands. The massage therapist will then move you onto your side and start again from your feet working up to the head. This side lying position is particularly good for pregnant women or people with back problems who would be uncomfortable laying flat. This position is repeated for the other side, and is often left out of a one-hour massage. Rolfing is usually given in an initial set of 10 sessions with more if needed and each session focuses on a specific area of the body in order to integrate the following session and guild upon the prior.

While Thai massage therapy has so many benefits it is obvious that Certified Rolfing is the premier bodywork therapy for the pain, discomfort, asymmetries that ails the tissue and structure of the body. It is also important to understand that Thai Massage therapy is an excellent way of experiencing a deep and invigorating massage and can incorporate many facets and dimensions of other methods designed to bring relief in one therapy method. As a Certified Rolfer and massage therapist with over 2000 hours of manual medicine certification and 1000’s of hours of Certified Movement training I intended to briefly describe both methods of Thai massage Therapy and Certified Rolfing.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Therapist Fort Worth/Dallas-TX.


Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish- Is Not Swedish Massage Therapy

October 29, 2009

Swedish Massage therapy is the practice of soft tissue manipulation with physical, functional, and in some cases psychological intentions. The word comes from the French massage “friction of kneading”, or from Arabic, massa, meaning “to touch, feel or handle and an older etymology may even have been the Hebrew me-sakj “to anoint with oil”. Rolfing is the facilitation of a human structure that is balanced, palintonic, and free of inhibiting restrictions. The term “Rolfing” is a derivative of the last name of the founder and creator Dr. Ida P. Rolf.

Rolfing employs techniques and uses of the backs of hands, knuckles, palms, elbows, and forearms without using any messy oils.

Structurally Integrating the body includes but is not limited to, addressing and balancing tendons, ligaments, diaphragms, membranes, suspensory tissues supporting vital organs, and all fascial layers from superficial-deep.  Massage involves acting on and manipulating the body with pressure done manually or with mechanical aids. Target areas may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, forearm, and feet. There are over eighty different recognized massage modalities.

Rolfing is designed to reduce kinetic drag on the human structure created by the restrictive wrapping of connective tissue around the entire body much like a body stocking or uni-tard that rotates and counter-rotates, enveloping  the entire structure in a compressive suit under the skin. Massage is designed to sooth the client and enhance the body’s health. Swedish Massage Therapy is considered to be among the most basic methods of massage and is among the first styles of massage that new masseurs study. Developed by Henry Ling in Sweden in the 1700s it was designed to allow the body to absorb more oxygen.

There are six techniques used in administering Swedish massage.  Effleurage is the technique most people associate with massage in general and Swedish massage in particular. In doing effleurage, the masseuse makes use of long and sweeping strokes that cover more than just one area of the body and is in no way capable or designed to differentiate fascial layers the way lengthening does with Rolfing. Friction helps the muscles relax and is used to warm up the tissue, while Rolfing facilitates an action called fluffing to transform flat layers that counter shift segments. Petrissage is the act of kneading and squeezing the muscles of the body, it does not target or focus on any particular part of the body, while Rolfing uses an technique known as de-rotation to align specific segments superior/inferior to the segment being de-rotated. Tapottement are strokes that aim to energize the area of the body that the masseuse is treating. Traction involves pulling at the arms and legs of the client, and sometimes also the head. The act of pulling stretches the muscles of the client. Rolfing incorporates the participation of the client while on the table and will use cues that bring awareness to areas like “reaching” to engage the client in reaching with the arms, legs, head, and other segments so the action is active and not passive thus generating an integrative response. With massage the vibration technique is used to shake up the area of the client’s body that is being treating to help the client relax, but Rolfer’s facilitate what is known as “body geometry” to transforms the clients disposition about their sensations.

Swedish massage therapists help sooth and relax the client while providing more oxygen to the body by clearing and refreshing the blood circulation of the body, which aids in health and feels good. Certified Rolfing uses an initial protocol known as The Certified Rolfing Ten Series and has the ability to reduce pain and release tension in the connective and myofascial tissue of the body associated with TMJ, CTS, RLS, Fibromyalgia, Sciatica, Fascitis, Bunions, and Scoliosis. Fascial asymmetries can cause foot, leg, knee, hip, back, shoulder, neck, arm, hand, and head pain. Certified Rolfing and Rolf Movement is premium pain management utilizing Structural, Functional, and Postural Integration.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Whitefish/Kalispell, MT

Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish- Is Not Sports Massage Therapy

October 29, 2009

Sports massage is a form of bodywork geared towards participants in athletics and competitive sports. It is used to help prevent injuries, to prepare the body for athletic activity and maintain it in optimal condition, and to help athletes recover from workouts and injuries. Rolfing helps to create new and sustainable repetitive movement patterns by changing the inefficient structural differential that can help prevent, reduce, and even reverse injuries. Sports massage has three basic forms: pre-event massage, post-event massage, and maintenance massage.

As a formal practice, however, sports massage began in the Soviet Union and Communist bloc countries in the 1960s. Soviet teams were the first to have a massage therapist travel with them and work on their athletes on a regular and ongoing basis. Through sports and cultural exchanges, the concept of sports massage moved to Europe and the United States in the 1970s. Over time the benefits of sports massage became accepted, and sports massage became a part of the training regimen, first of professional athletes, then of college and amateur athletes. Certified Rolfing was first discovered as a modality in America in the 1920’s by Dr. Ida P. Rolf, a biochemist for the Rockefeller Institute, as an alternative to Osteopathic connective tissue adjustments.

Pre-event sports massage is done to help prevent serious athletic injury. It helps to warm up the muscles, stretching them and making them flexible for optimal athletic performance. A pre-event massage stimulates the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles, reduces muscle tension, loosens the muscles, and produces a feeling of psychological readiness. Rolfing can provide a dramatic shift in structural alignment after the first session enabling an athlete or competitor to function at a much higher integrative potential, spaciousness and vitality than previously held.

Whenever athletes exercise heavily, their muscles suffer micro traumas and small amounts of swelling occur in the muscle because of tiny tears. Post-event sports massage helps reduce the swelling caused by micro traumas; loosens tired, stiff muscles; helps maintain flexibility; promotes blood flow to the muscle to remove lactic acid and waste build-up; and reduces cramping. In addition, post-event massage helps speed the athlete’s recovery time and alleviates pulls, strains, and soreness. Likewise Rolfing helps reduce micro traumas, inflammation and lactic acid by reducing the amount of friction and compression on the entire structure and in the joint capsules and bursa by improving what Dr Rolf identified as ‘body geometry”.

Maintenance sports massage is done at least once a week as a regular part of athletic training programs, although professional athletes who have their own massage therapists may have maintenance massage daily. Rolfing can be received weekly during the series and post series or monthly for maintenance. Rolfing and maintenance massage increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles and connective tissue. Rolfing also keeps the connective tissues loose so that different layers of fascia slide easily over each other. Rolfing and maintenance sports massage also helps reduce the development of scar tissue while increasing flexibility and range of motion.

The goal of all sports massage is to maximize athletic performance. Athletes in different sports will concentrate the massage on different parts of the body. Certified Rolfing has been widely accepted by the NFL, NHL, NBA, and MLB. Numerous university athletic departments have a Certified Rolfer on payroll or staff and the US Olympics recognize Certified Rolfing as instrumental in the athletic performance of our teams.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer® and Rolfing® Kalispell/Whitefish, Montana