Rolfing Kalispell/Whitefish-Predicting the Unpredictable

Working with the different, and most times difficult, types of structural scenarios creates the fertile soil that gives birth to the structural scientist. The functional asymmetric clients are almost always pretty cut and dry in terms of what goals need to be addressed and accomplished in order to normalize the tissue for the adaptability and congruency to return to the structure. For the dysfunctional asymmetric client it can most times be elusive even though there are specific structural signs to look for and seeing them can be the tricky part, and even when you identify the probable pattern or patterns, attempting to make the change and making it stick are different stories. The entire structure has to be addressed and it has to happen systematically meaning that when a client complains about a specific issue upon initiating the intake evaluation other associated structural issues will most likely be discovered as well and it is the resolution or reduction of all associated issues that will yield the most productive work. Pain in the foot is often realized to be associated with other discomfort such as a knee, or hip, low, back, mid back, shoulder, neck or head or any number of combinations. Regardless of what is primary or secondary in the beginning of the sessions the entire structure needs to be addressed. This is what separates Certified Rolfing from all other forms of Pain Management or bodywork in that Certified Rolfing provides a framework and a context for the initial 10 sessions known as the 10 series and this framework is not a cookie cutter format instead it is a lens that provides the trained Certified Rolfer the opportunity to identify each individual clients needs and desires and then enables the Certified Rolfer to customize the first 10 sessions to address the specific needs of each client. All clients are different and to assume that the same session by session therapeutic approach can be utilized for everyone would seem ridiculous. Though some predictable patterns are shared by most of the population, the degree to which each client endures a particular potential for a pattern is different. Much like the set of colors that are the primary colors of our universe there are a predictable set of secondary colors that provide a framework and a context for an artist to use when working. Upon closer inspection of foreseeable color combinations there manifest a spectrum of potential colors that is a myriad composition of the secondary colors. So like the spectrum of colors available to the eye there are a spectrum of structural potentials that can be observed and addressed in a systematic and customized manner given the predictable patterns and scenarios that exist.

John Barton, Certified Rolfer-Certified Rolfing Whitefish/Kalispell, Montana,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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